Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stupid Drivers

Okay. For those of you that don't know, all my pet peeves have to do with driving.

I hate stupid ass drivers. Here are some things that stupid drivers should pay attention to.

_When going under 60 miles per hour, STAY IN THE RIGHT LANE. They don't call it the
SLOW LANE for nothing.

_BE AWARE IF THERE'S A CAR BEHIND YOU. Here are a couple reasons why.
-If you're stopping and going in the middle of the street because you can't find an address
or something and there's a car behind you, they're probably going to get irritated. To be
considerate, PULL THE FUCK OVER.
-And when you decide to pull over, PUT YOUR FUCKING BLINKER ON.
Which leads me to my next point.

_SIGNAL DAMNIT! Car's have blinkers for a reason; to let other drivers know that you are
planning to switch lanes. If you're in traffic and you need to switch lanes, don't just signal
when there's suddenly an opening. Put your damn blinker on and let people know you need to
get through.

And the biggest one of all...

WHEN THERE'S A CAR BEHIND YOU! You spray it and it gets on the car behind
you. That's just plain RUDE! Especially when that car just got a car wash!

Ok. I'm done venting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaHAHAHA. oh kris. this just made my day. lmao! that last one tho is real talk. that shit is irritating as hell!