Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Little Liao's Cotillion

Being the youngest of four girls, Jackie was finally turning 18 and growing up! I got the privilege of coaching Little Liao her first year in high school on the frosh/soph volleyball team. Even though I don't see her much, I'm friends with her older sisters so I was invited.

Meesh (Liao #3) and her cute ass baby cousin!

Me and the birthday girl (Little Liao)!

With Liao #2

They had a bowl with gold fish for their center pieces...the person that should've taken the fish home left early, so I decided to take them home. Too bad they died after I changed the water. Mike called me a fish killer. :(

I'm a rad photographer...

Especially Augs' pimp ass picture.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Warm nights and BBQs

I went out with some of the folks Thursday night. Noticed this quote on my Hennessy bottle and I liked it.

We headed downtown to Azul and on the way home the weather was still so nice that we ended up in Union Square.

Woohoo, look at the David Beckham ad on Macy's.


We parked right next to Niketown...I loved the new bill board on top of the building.

The next day I ran a bunch of errands.. I really really REALLy needed to get my car washed. The boys wrote on it one day and I swear it still didn't come off after I got a car guys owe me a paint job!

It was soooo clear by my house. I could see across the bay...

That night I headed to Jon, Kim and Reg's house for a BBQ.

Trae and Peter brought their dog Kane...pretty ass husky.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day


I must say my brother's the nicest EVER. Even though I owe him some $ (teehee) I get all his hand me downs like his old TV and even his iMac computer! Thanks Bro!

This Father's day he got my Dad this...

My dad's very first motorcycle!

My dad JUST got his motorcycle license and it just so happened that my brother's friend was selling his motorcycle. So my bro got it for him. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD! Doesn't this totally beat the present from me, my sister, and my brother in law for Father's Day?--The Bucket List dvd. Haha I love my crazy family.

Random Pictures + Adapt Clothing Photo Shoot

The other day I decided to take bart to the Homeroom office since gas is so expensive. I was originally going to ride my dad's bike to bart but it was a little too big and i almost fell off it a couple of times. So instead I drove to bart and brought my skateboard with me to get around the city. Haven't been on my board in awhile...

Friday I went to Mighty for the Wild N Krazy Kidz Anniversary Party. I can't believe I FORGOT my CAMERA!! They had a mechanical bull and everything!

Yesterday I headed to my friend's photo shoot in Oakland. His clothing line, Adapt Clothing, is now in TRUE along with TRUE East. He also has his line on can check it out here. My friend Karl showed up along with Arnelle.

She was rockin these kicks from Creative Rec while I was getting gum on my shoes all day...grr. I also bought a pair of Creative Rec's which you'll see later...

The man behind Adapt Clothing.

LOOK! HEEZE IS MODELING!! Haha Love yah Cuz!

Photographer Joe

Yum. They match my walls.

Later that night I met up with Cameron House people for dinner and a movie. For some reason I didn't take pictures, but I did take a picture of my fortune cookie that had NO fortune in it! One of my friends said "Guess you don't have a future!" Aww...that sucks. Haha

We went to some yogurt place on Irving that just opened up. I was fascinated by the walls.

We ended up watching Kung Fu Panda after getting yogurt. It was pretty cute/funny. That's the first animated movie I watched in a reeeeally long time. Wait until you see my next blog!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Blackberry Thunder

While everyone's excited about the new Blackberry Bold, I'm waiting for the Blackberry Thunder. Touch screen navigation, blackberry features, and under MY network, Verizon Wireless. Can't wait.

To find out more about this LOVELY phone, check it out on,, or

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Two Words: HELLA DOPE.

My friend called me Thursday to see if I wanted to go to the Kanye concert the next day. HELL YES!!! GLOW IN THE DARK TOUR!!! YAY!

We missed Lupe Fiasco who was the first performer. Then there was N.E.R.D.

Ahhh Pharrell...haha

Then it was Rhianna's turn...

KANYE! Don't mind my pictures...they're pretty damn blurry because they didn't allow cameras. So if you got caught with one they'd asked you to put it away. I tried my best to take fast pictures.

Probably the only good picture I have.

I was square and bought myself a shirt. Haha

Kanye sells his book "Thank You and You're Welcome" on his website for $10. They gave em' out for free at the concert! Woot!

It was a great fuckin concert...and did I mention my tickets were FREE?! My friend's friend gave him the tickets because he couldn't go. DOPE SAUCE! Thanks!

I forgot to mention I did this to my car on my way to meet my friend for the concert...shiiiiit...