Friday after class I grabbed some grub and headed back to school around 2pm for my volunteer work. After a few hours we were done setting things up and I headed straight to the Homeroom office. Left there around 7:30pm and went home to get ready for Steph's bday.
We met up at Steph's house at about 9pm and chilled for a little. I don't know who gave this to her, but Reg decided to eat some balls. YUUUUM FUNFETTI!!!
Steph celebrated her birthday at Horizon on Broadway (for all you old schoolers Horizon is the old Sake Lab). I ended up parking in the Chinatown area and while we were walking to Broadway I came across this. For those of you that don't know me, I call my sister DeeDee.
The only reason why I thought it was funny was because this was right next to it...hah.
Me and Reg left for the club a little earlier than Steph did so we decided to stop by Impala where Alejandro (another VZDubber) was bartending.
I got a text from Kim asking where we were at and then I got one from J.
J: Come here I'm the darkest person here
K: Umm how am I gonna help you not be the darkest person there?
J: But u know my pain BUMBLE BEE!
Again, if you don't know me that friends call me BumbleYee...implying I'm a bumble and yellow. Yellow cause I'm Chinese...but they think I dance like a black girl. Lol
Anyways, off to Horizon to meet the folks.
While we were there I ran into Teeney who was there celebrating another bday.
When me and Reg were leaving we saw this couple with the guy basically giving the girl a lap dance and we were like "Wtf? Shouldn't it be the other way around?". And then we realized it was Steph. LOL Sorry Steph, had to put it up. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! haha
After Horizon we stopped by Butterfly for a little bit before we went home. I'm not gonna post incriminating pictures, but Reg got her groove on. Haha
I was planning on sleeping early that night, but after about 3.5 hours of sleep I headed to school to volunteer for a conference called Women on Writing from 7:30am-3pm. I didn't realize how big the conference was but I guess considering tickets for the conference went from $60-$100 it was a big event. They had workshops throughout the day including book signings, book talk panels, and even a poetry slam. If you're interested in writing give the website a look and check it out next year.
That night I headed over to Azul for the Homeroom birthdays of Alex and Dominique. Can you say hella crowded?
Was pretty fun though!
The boys from RCO in Santa Cruz
Mike, Joe, Ian, Jon
Ivy and her friends.
And the birthday girl with her girls.
Then there was the birthday boy.
G, Al, Josh, Rush
After Azul I stopped by Tina's house party. By that time most people were gone but some of the folks were still there.
At least I got six hours of sleep that night. Better than 3. Woke up for work the next day...and the new week started all over again.
My birthday's coming up. Any suggestions? Thinking of just chillin this year.
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