This past Saturday I had my first shift volunteering for the Asian American Film Festival. The festival's going on all week long playing different films at Kabuki, Clay, and Castro Theater, so if you have time check out the listing of films and go watch one. I heard opening night was crazy and they had a showing of the new Harold and Kumar movie which was of course sold out.
My sister.
My sister and I started to get hungry so we walked down FIllmore and we found this gelato place that had paninis. With the lunch special you get free gelato with any flavor you'd like all for about $6. Thought it was a pretty good deal!
The second film people started to line up for was called "The Killing of a Chinese Cookie". It's primarily about the history of the fortune cookie from who designed it to where it's birthplace was. I didn't get to watch it but the line was pretty damn long wrapping around the corner.
After the festival I met up with Mike to watch Semi-Pro. I saw the preview for Step Brothers which stars Will Ferrell and John Reilly. It looks pretty damn funny. And I can't wait for this...

I never really watched the show until Trina got us into it! Now I just watch a shit load of reruns that come on at night since I haven't gotten the dvds yet. But the trailer looked good. I'll probably end up watching it with the girls. Considering most girls will watch it with their girlfriends I can only imagine hella girls waiting in line opening night. Haha May 30th!
That night I headed to Cha Cha Cha's to meet up with Liz, Syl, and Marie. I haven't had sangria in awhile, but it was deeeelicious. After a few cups of sangria and feeling a little buzzed, we headed to Poleng to meet up with the crew for Chiara's birthday. While walking through the door I ran into Barry from Imeem who I had just met during the week.
And then we saw the birthday girl!
Chiara and her sister.
Syl, Me, Liz, Marie
First some Henn...all bad. Haha
These crazies! Just got their tats RIGHT before coming out. Haha
Whenever Arnelle gets a hold of my camera there are ALWAYS hella pictures. Unfortunately I'm too lazy to put all of them on here. Plus everyone looks wasted. Haha So if you wanna see more give me your email and I'll send them to you.
Fucking Herb was there! That bitch never wants to come out cause of work and there i see you in a picture with him! We're so jumping him out of Bay Bound... hahah
Kris! it was great meeting you! We have to do sangria again!!!
P.S. I stole some pics... LoL
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