Friday, March 6, 2009

Breaking Bad

This show came out about a year ago and I've been waiting for the second season to start...and it's FINALLY here! There are only a few shows I actually like to follow and this happens to be one of the lucky ones.

Breaking Bad is an AMC television series about a high school chemistry teacher (played by Bryan Cranston) who finds out he has cancer. With his wife being 7 months pregnant, he partners up with an old student of his and cooks crystal meth to create more income for his family. By the end of the first season you can see his transition from a quiet family man to a bad ass drug dealer.

I can't wait until the season premiere! And NO I'm not a druggie...unless you count alcohol. Haha

Check it out this Sunday @ 8pm on the AMC channel.

1 comment:

meesh said...

You got me intrigued. Catching up as soon as I can!