Man what a great impression Apple has left on me! Just kidding. I love my MacBook. But it did suck that the first one was defective. Everything was fine except the "J" button wouldn't work sometimes. So they exchanged it out and the second one was good to me. But then Apple decided to come out with NEW MacBooks today!

Same model, same price, but faster duo processor and a bigger hard drive. Just my luck huh? So I called the Apple store to ask if I could exchange it...again...and the girl told me to bring my stuff in but she couldn't guarantee it. Really? That's great. I also found out that if they were going to I'd have to pay the restocking fee of 10%. That's $119 buddy. NO THANKS. Mike told me to go in and ask for a manager and so that's what I did. I didn't get to discuss my situation to the manager, but the guy that went to go get him did. So they were nice enough to exchange it out without me having to pay the restocking fee. So now I'm on my third MacBook in 5 days. But I really can't complain. The people at the store have been good to me. Hopefully the next time I step foot into that store will be to buy fun accessories. Now it's time to reload all my pictures and music...again.
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