Sunday, April 13, 2008


Yesterday I hit up the Cherry Blossom Festival in Japan town with some of the folks. It was a warm sunny day so it was pretty crowded.

We headed straight to the food area so we could check out the goods and hit up the sake.

Even though it was pretty damn warm outside, I settled on some udon, beer, and sake.

Big Mexi Dan showed up and embraced us with his presence!

Doesn't he look like the Brawny man?

Bombs away!

Jeramie came by and showed me his new tat. Dan seemed a bit upset about it. Haha


FINALLY stopped by Fatlace. Luckily I didn't bring my wallet, cause I would've spent some $.

Reg and Kim went to grab some crepes at Sophie's Crepes. Apparently they got me one, but it never showed up in my hands. Instead I think it got passed around and eaten by everyone else. :(

I was pretty damn hungry so I grabbed some KFC while we were walking back to the car. I couldn't wait to eat, so I just started eating while walking. Don't mess with me and my fried chicken!!

The view from Reg's house. Fuckin awesome.

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