While everyone was at "Doin' It At The Park" last Sunday, I was stuck at work getting picture messages about how dope it was. So instead, I went to the after party, "Doin' it After Dark" @ Minna. Augs, Ceaze, and Heeze swooped me up and we headed down to Redwood city to meet everyone else up. I swear, every single one of them was still drunk.
The boys checking out Alicia Sacramone and some other girl that competed in the Olympics.



Heeze, Ceaze, Augs

Kev, Me, Ricky

Ian, Augs, Jermz...nice one Jermz!

Ran into these lovely ladies.

Annnd this is what happens when you drink Henn, Malibu, and Vodka...plus a hangover at work the next day.

And this is when you're the only one wasted and feel sick!